To uphold the second object of our fraternity, we participate in many science outreach activities aimed at educating people of all ages about science.
Science Demos
- We host activities surrounding events like National Chemistry Week when we assisted in creating a Periodic Table of Pumpkins. In the past we have also held outreach events surrounding Mole Day and Pi Day.
- We Assist the SIU chapter of the Society of Physics Students with activities and demonstrations for National Physics Day
- We perform chemistry and other science related demonstrations at the Southern Illinois Science Center the first Saturday of each month
- In the past we have created floats for homecoming where we hand out candy shaped like water molecules with some fun science facts.
- Each year we host the Great Cardboard Boat Regatta where we set up water themed demonstrations for kids of all ages
- Other opportunities may arise where we do after-school programs at local schools where we perform science demonstrations
Merit Badge Events
We have provided Webelos hands-on activities and demonstrations that are described for the Scientist Activity Pin and have also helped local Boy Scout Troops attain their Chemistry Merit Badge.
Science Fair Judging
We are often invited to act as judges for science fairs at multiple local schools. Each year we also get the chance to assist in judging for the regional science fair at the University. Many students from area schools get the chance to compete.
Lab Notebook Sales
While classes are in session we sell bound lab notebooks to students. The notebooks are useful for multiple chemistry and other science lab courses at all levels – from general chemistry to higher level courses.
University Outreach
We often receive opportunities from the College of Science our the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry to promote the University and its programs. Sometimes we set up display cases in the rec center or student center. We are often asked to do departmental tours or demonstrations for incoming students. Previously, we have also been asked to set up for equipment shows and expositions.